3 - Gangsta Rap

  • Gangsta’ Rap started in the 1980’s. 
  • Artists like Ice-T and N.W.A rapped about their experiences living in violent neighborhoods and committing crimes.
  • The music was very controversial because it talked about violence and was negative about the police.  It was often on the news, so more people heard about the music and listened to it.
  • In 1994, Tupac Shakur was in New York to record a new song.  Inside two men in masks ordered everyone to lay on the floor.  Tupac didn’t lay down so they shot him five times.
  • Tupac blamed East Coast rappers Biggie Smalls and Puff Daddy for the shooting.  A feud between East Coast and West Coast rap started.  Rappers would insult each other in their songs.  Sometimes they were also violent.
  • The feud resulted in Tupac and Biggie Smalls being murdered.  Nobody knows who killed them.
  • By the end of the 1990’s Gangsta Rap became less and less popular.
  • The Artist: Tupac Shakur was a big name in Gangsta’ Rap.  Though his career lasted only five years (1991 – 1996), he is still a big influence on many rappers today.
  • Other songs to check out: NWA – Straight Outta’ Compton; Ice-T – 6’N the Mornin’; The Game – My Life